A message for you!
Uma mensagem criativa de Ano Novo para você! Clique no link abaixo. Após, clique na garrafa e observe o que acontece!
Feliz 2012!
Christmas vocabulary
Feliz Natal – Merry Christmas
Manhã de Natal – Christmas morning (dia no qual as crianças recebem seus presentes)
Manjedoura – Manger
José, Maria e Jesus – Joseph, Mary and Jesus
Mago – Magi (homem sábio que trouxe presente para Jesus)
Estrela de Belém – The star of Bethlehem (a estrela que anunciou o nascimento de Jesus)
Árvore de Natal – Christmas Tree
Montando a árvore – Trimming the tree
Estrela – Star
Luzes de Natal, pisca-pisca de Natal – Christmas light
Presentes embaixo da árvore – Gifts under the tree
Presentes – Gifts, presents
Enfeites de Natal – Christmas ornaments
Presépio – Nativity scene
Guirlanda de Natal – Christmas wreath
Véspera de Natal – Christmas Eve
Natal – Christmas – pronuncie /crismas/
Natal – Xmas (abreviação de Christmas)
Feliz Natal – Merry Christmas! Happy Christmas!
Natal com neve – White Christmas
Época de Natal – Christmas time
Espírito de Natal – Christmas Spirit
Amigo secreto, amigo oculto – Secret santa
Canções de Natal, Músicas natalinas – Christmas carols
Cartão de Natal – Christmas card
Encenação de Natal – Nativity play (representação teatral do nascimento de Jesus)
Papai Noel – Santa Claus, Father Christmas
Chaminé, trenó, renas – Chimney, sleigh, reindeers
Jantar de Natal -Christmas dinner
Bolo de Natal – Christmas cake
Peru – Turkey
Cortar o peru – Carving the bird
Feliz Ano Novo – Happy New Year
Véspera de Ano Novo (31 de dezembro) – New Year’s Eve
Missa do Galo – Midnight Mass
Primeiro de Janeiro – New Year’s Day
Feliz Ano Novo! – Happy New Year!
Desejo a você um próspero Ano Novo – Wishing you a prosperous New Year!
Tudo de bom no próximo ano! – All the best for the coming year!
Preposições para “Christmas”
A preposição at é utilizada para se referir a períodos de feriados. Utiliza-se on para um único dia feriado. Exemplos: at Christmas (no Natal); on Christmas Day (no Dia de Natal).
What about?
Christmas vocabulary,
Christmas Card for you
Some of the Best Moments in Life:
* To fall in love.
* To find mails by the thousands when you return from a vacation.
* To go for a vacation to some pretty place.
* To listen to your favorite song in the radio.
* To go to bed and to listen while it rains outside.
* To leave the shower and find that the towel is warm.
* To clear your last exam.
* To receive a call from someone, you don't see a lot, but you want to.
* To find money in a pant that you haven't used since last year ...
* To laugh at yourself looking at mirror, making faces.:)))
* To laugh without a reason.
* To accidentally hear somebody say something good about you.
* To wake up and realize it is still possible to sleep for a couple of hours.
* To hear a song that makes you remember a special person.
* To be part of a team.
* To watch the sunset from the hill top.
* To make new friends.
* To feel butterflies in the stomach every time that you see that person.
* To use a sweater of the person that you like and find that it still smells of their perfume.
* To take an evening walk along the beach.
* To have somebody tell you that he/she loves you.
* To laugh .......laugh. .......and laugh ...... remembering stupid things done with stupid friends.
These are some the best moments of life....
cherish them.
O som do "th"
Quem estuda inglês deve aprender a emitir o som do TH visto que ele está presente em muitas palavras do inglês básico tais como the, with, that, they… Esse som não existe no português, mas é fácil aprendê-lo. A seguir, dou dicas simples que irão ajudar-lhe a produzir o som do “th” corretamente. Follow me.
O som do TH
Primeiramente, você deve saber que o TH tem dois sons em inglês: TH “sem voz” e TH “com voz”.
Quando eu digo “sem voz”, quero dizer “som produzido sem ajuda das cordas vocais”. Por exemplo: fale lápis com o /s/ bem prolongado, assim /lápissssssssss/. Se você fez corretamente, notou que o /s/ ficou chiando nos dentes.
Agora, quando eu digo “com voz”, quero dizer “som produzido nas cordas vocais”. Envolva seu pescoço com uma das mãos. Fez isso? Bom, agora diga lentamente as vogais: /a/, /e/, /i/, /o/, /u/. Se você fez o exercício corretamente, notou que as cordas vocais, que estão dentro do pescoço, ficaram vibrando enquanto você pronunciava as vogais. Quando as cordas vocais estão vibrando, isso indica que você está produzindo som “com voz”
Dito isso, quando eu falar TH “sem voz”, você terá que produzir o som com a ajuda dos dentes. Quando eu falar, TH “com voz”, você terá que produzir o som com o suporte das cordas vocais.
Para reforçar esse aprendizado, fale as sílabas si, si, si, si, si, si, si, caprichando o /s/ nos dentes. Agora, fale as sílabas zi, zi, zi, zi, zi, zi, zi, dando ênfase ao /z/ nas cordas vocais. Agora mescle as sílabas e você vai notar a enorme diferença na produção do /s/ nos dentes e no /z/ nas cordas vocais. Leia em voz alta: si, zi, si, zi, si, zi, si, zi, si, zi. Avancemos.
O som do TH “sem voz”
Ponha a língua entre os dentes superiores e inferiores e sopre. Emita um /s/ bem longo. Faça com que sua língua toque os dentes de baixo por trás. Importante: neste som não ocorre a vibração das cordas vocais. Nos dicionários, o TH “sem voz” é representado pelo símbolo /θ/.
Para praticar, pronuncie as palavras portuguesas a seguir, trocando o som do “s” pelo “th” que você aprendeu acima:
sopa, sino, nesse, três
Agora, produza o som do TH “sem voz” nas seguintes palavras:
tooth, teeth, north, nothing, therapy, marathon, strength
Luís de Camões, in English, please!
Luís de Camões
Amor é um fogo que arde sem se ver,
é ferida que doi, e não se sente;
é um contentamento descontente,
é dor que desatina sem doer.
Love is a fire that burns unseen,
a wound that aches yet isn’t felt,
an always discontent contentment,
a pain that rages without hurting,
É um não querer mais que bem querer;
é um andar solitário entre a gente;
é nunca contentar-se de contente;
é um cuidar que ganha em se perder.
a longing for nothing but to long,
a loneliness in the midst of people,
a never feeling pleased when pleased,
a passion that gains when lost in thought.
É querer estar preso por vontade;
é servir a quem vence, o vencedor;
é ter com quem nos mata, lealdade.
It’s being enslaved of your own free will;
it’s counting your defeat a victory;
it’s staying loyal to your killer.
Mas como causar pode seu favor
nos corações humanos amizade,
se tão contrário a si é o mesmo Amor?
But if it’s so self-contradictory,
how can Love, when Love chooses,
bring human hearts into sympathy?
From here:
The Frog Prince
"The Frog Prince" by The Brothers Grimm
One fine evening, a young princess went out for a walk in the woods near her home. She never went anywhere without her favorite toy, a bright golden ball. Wherever she walked, she would throw the ball in the air, then catch it.
This evening was no exception. She walked far into the woods, throwing the ball and catching it as she went. In time, she became tired.
In the middle of the woods was a deep, dirty pond. On this evening, though, the pond had a wonderful glow in the moonlight. The princess sat down on a bench beside the pond.
While she rested on the bench, she continued playing with her ball, throwing it up and catching it. Up, and catch. Up, and catch.
Just as she tossed the ball especially high in the air, a cloud moved across the moon and cut out its light. In the darkness, the princess missed catching the ball on its way down.
It bounced off her arm, off the seat of the bench and onto the ground. It rolled along the ground, picking up speed. Faster and faster the ball rolled, faster than the princess could run after it, until — plop! — it splashed into the pond.
"Oh, dear," the princess cried. "It is so dark, and the pond is so deep and dirty. Now I will never be able to get my ball back. If only I had been more careful with it. I would give all my jewels and fancy clothes, everything I own in this world, if I could undo my foolish mistake."
At that moment, a frog, who had been listening to her from just below the surface of the pond, popped his head out of the water. "Hello, princess," the frog asked, "why all the tears?"
"What business is it of yours?" the princess replied. "You can't possibly help me."
"Think again, princess. I can get your ball back for you and — here's the zinger — I don't want all your worldly possessions for doing it. I don't want your jewelry, not one pearl." The frog clicked his fingers and did a sloppy tap-dance with his webbed feet. "Not a single penny."
"I don't understand."
"All I ask, princess, is that you show me some kindness. Accompany me to the opera, say. Or, better yet, invite me to dinner at your palace. Let me lay my tired head on your silk-covered pillows."
"What nonsense is this?" the princess thought to herself. "How can a frog come to the palace? He won't be able to travel ten yards from this pond."
But she realized that the frog MIGHT be able to find her precious ball, so she did not want to upset him. "All right. Bring me my ball and you can visit me whenever you want."
"We could get to become good friends," the frog said.
"Who can tell?" the princess said in order to encourage him to search for her ball.
But as the frog dived back into the pond, the princess laughed at his stupidity.
Of course he DID rescue her ball from the bottom of the pond. When he placed it in the palm of her hand, she was delighted, so delighted she couldn't help but give him a kiss on his wet, bony forehead before running all the way home.
She was so delighted, she was soon playing with the ball again, throwing it up and catching it. She quickly forgot all about that silly old frog.
The next evening, as the princess sat down to dinner with her father, the king, there was a strange noise — tap, tap, plash, plash — on the marble stair. A moment later, a soft knock sounded on the dining-room door. A tiny voice sang out:
"Open the door, my
dear! Open the door, for your true love is here."
The princess couldn't believe it. She ran to the door and there was the frog. She was amused, but more than that she was alarmed and frightened. So she slammed the door closed in the frog's face and went back to the dinner table.
Sensing her fear, the king asked what the matter was. "There is a horrible slimy frog at the door," she explained. "Yesterday, when I dropped my ball in the pond in the woods, he got it back for me. In return, I promised he could come to dinner at the palace. But, of course, I didn't mean it. I never in my wildest dreams imagined he would be able to hop all the way here."
"Open the door, my princess dear! Open the door, for your true love is here."
Came the tiny voice again.
The king rested both his hands on the young princess's shoulders. "If you've made a promise, daughter, you must keep it. This family keeps its promises. Let the frog in."
The princess did so. The frog hopped in. He hopped from one end of the long dining-room to the other, where the table was. He hopped all the way from one end of the long table to the other, where the princess sat.
"Hey, princess, do me a favor," he said. "Help me up. Lay a place for me next to you."
She didn't want to, but the king threw her a stern, fatherly glance.
"Push that plate over this a-way," the frog said after he had gotten good and comfortable on the table beside the princess.
Once he had eaten his fill from the princess's own plate, the frog asked to be taken up to her bedroom for a nap. In no time at all, he was fast asleep.
He spent the whole night beside the princess. But he left in the morning, at first light, while she was still sleeping.
"Thank goodness," the princess thought when she awoke. "I don't suppose he'll ever bother us again."
But she was wrong. The very next night, a soft knock sounded on her bedroom door. That same voice, not quite so tiny this time, sang:
"Open the door, my princess dear! Open the door, for your true love is here."
Remembering what her father had said about promises, she had no choice but to open the door. In hopped the frog. UP hopped the frog, onto her pillow, this time needing no help. Again, he was gone before dawn.
This also happened on the third night, and on the fourth. But on the fourth morning, when she awoke, the princess was astonished to find a handsome prince standing at the head of her bed. He was gazing at her with the widest, bluest eyes she had ever seen.
He told her that a spiteful witch had long ago cast a spell, turning him into a frog. The witch had commanded that he stay a frog for all eternity, living in that deep, dirty pond, unless by chance he met a princess and could persuade her to invite him to her palace, feed him from her very own plate, and let him rest beside her in her very own bed for three nights.
"That cruel spell has been broken," the prince said. "You have broken it. All that remains is for you to allow me to take you to the opera. To take your hand, once in a while, for walks in the woods. All that remains is for you to do me the honor of being my friend."
"And perhaps to fall in love with you?" the young princess asked.
The prince smiled shyly. "Who can tell?"
What about?
Fairy Tales,
Reading Stories,
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