



My followers:


Possessives: MY or MINE?

Escolha a alternativa correta (my, your, her, his, our, their ou mine, yours, hers, his, ours, theirs)
  1. This book is not Paul's, it's ................
    1.   my
    2.   her
    3.   mine
  2. ............... car is more expensive than ...................
    1.   Yours, her
    2.   Theirs, hers
    3.   Your, his
  3. ................. teachers are so much older than .....................!
    1.   Hers, mine
    2.   Our, yours
    3.   His, my
  4. - Whose notebook is this?
    - It's ................
    1.   her
    2.   their
    3.   his
  5. - ................ bus leaves in ten minutes.
    - Which one is ...................?
    1.   Theirs, their
    2.   His, her
    3.   Our, ours
  6. - Is this ............. pen?
    - No, it's ...................
    1.   your, yours
    2.   his, their
    3.   my, yours
  7. - Did they take Sam's car?
    - No, ........... car is parked outside.
    1.   my
    2.   his
    3.   hers
  8. The blue shirt is ...................... and the green ones are ...................
    1.   mine, their
    2.   your, theirs
    3.   yours, theirs
  9. .......... brother loves ............. friends.
    1.   Mine, her
    2.   Our, their
    3.   My, his
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